The Dalles Rifle and Pistol Club
The Dalles Rifle and Pistol Club was first organized in 1937
as a 100% NRA membership club

Upcoming Events
NRA Home Safety Class April 3rd
NRA Basic Rifle Training Spring Class April 8th and 10th
NRA Basic Pistol Training Spring Class April 15th, 17th, 22nd, and 24th
A passion for education and Safety
Each year, almost 200 persons, young and old alike are taught the ethics and safety of hunting through club sponsored programs like Hunter Education classes.
The club also conducts firearms safety and hand gun classes for men and women. Classes are also offered which meet the requirement for Oregon State concealed carry permits.
See our training offerings
The club promotes the” Eddie Eagle” program for school age children. Eddie Eagle teaches young children that if they should find a gun to immediately tell a responsible adult.
Our Range
The Dalles Rifle and Pistol club has a 9 point, 50 foot 22lr indoor range located in the basement of The Mid Columbia Senior Center
Join 20+ members
Shoot with us during our Winter Postal Pistol matches, and every Wednesday at 6pm.